When the winter season rolls back around, you can easily cringe at the thought of paying those unwanted heating bills. However, your home and family need heat to stay safe throughout the cold winter weather. Fortunately, there are various tactics that you can utilize to help save money on your heating bills this upcoming season.

1. Install a Smart Thermostat

One of the most effective tactics you can employ to lower your heating bills is to use a smart thermostat. This device gives you the ability to program in different temperatures for different times throughout the day, and it automatically turns down the setting on your thermostat when you’re at work so that your heating system doesn’t run as often. You can also invest in newer smart thermostats with geofencing technology. This monitors your smartphone’s location and turns your heating system back up to your desired temperature when you’re getting close to home.

2. Schedule HVAC Maintenance Service

Another great tip is to get annual cooling and heating maintenance service from a professional HVAC technician. This service will take care of things like lubricating moving parts, checking for system inefficiencies, and calibrating your thermostat. Most importantly, this maintenance service helps to ensure that your heating system is functioning at its peak efficiency level. The more efficiently your heating system is operating, the more money you can save on your heating bills.

3. Reverse the Direction of Your Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans can be a great asset to your home when it comes to controlling your overall comfort. During the winter, run your ceiling fans in the clockwise direction. This helps to recirculate your hot air so that you feel more comfortable without having to turn up the temperature setting on your thermostat.

4. Seal Off Air Leaks

Another key tip to implement is to seal off any air leaks in your home. These tend to develop around the doors and windows on the exterior walls of your home. Opt for using a material like caulking, weather stripping, or even foam insulation to fill in the air void. This will prevent your hot indoor air from seeping outdoors and stop your HVAC system from constantly overworking to keep up with your heating demands. You can keep cold air from entering your home as well.

5. Let Direct Sunlight In

Sunlight is a beautiful thing during the winter months because it can provide your home with precious heat. Be sure to open blinds and curtains during the day to allow as much natural sunlight as possible to pour into your home. It’s been shown that sunlight can increase the temperature of a room by 10 degrees or more. The more the sun can naturally heat up your home, the less your heating system will have to run.

6. Add Insulation

To protect the inside temperature of your home from being affected by the temperature outdoors, you need to have insulation. The higher the R-value of the insulation, the more resistant it will be to temperature changes. While there are minimum standards for R-values in every area of the country, you may want to slightly exceed the standard for your location. This will ensure that your home is able to retain as much heat as possible.

7. Upgrade Your Heating System

One of the most significant impacts you can make to your heating bills when running an old heating system is to upgrade to a new one. Installing newer heating systems means you’ll have a unit that is much more energy efficient than older types. You even have the option of becoming super efficient with a high-efficiency furnace or a heat pump. While it will be expensive up-front to purchase your new system, federal tax incentives and local rebates can help you to easily recoup some of the money that you spend — not to mention that you will be able to save significantly in the long run.

Helpful Heating Service

Affordable Service Solutions Heating & Air Conditioning offers helpful heating service for the Richmond, KY community, and we have a maintenance plan to keep your HVAC system running well and help you save money on repairs. We can also assist you with all your air conditioning, commercial HVAC, geothermal, and indoor air quality needs.

Simply give Affordable Service Solutions Heating & Air Conditioning a call today to book your next service appointment with one of our HVAC technicians.

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